Staff Management Inc. Fall Seminar-21st Annual Human Resource Report
Thursday, November 2, 2023 (7:30 AM - 10:00 AM) (CDT)
Please join us for our 21sth Annual HR Report as we review this year’s numerous key laws, regulatory developments, and court cases affecting your HR and business responsibilities.
Samuel J. Castree, our Senior Vice President & General Counsel, will lead a review of important new laws, amendments, and court cases such as:
- Illinois Paid Sick Leave Act
- Illinois Equal Pay Act amendments requiring job posting wage transparency
- New Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act amendments
- Illinois Child Extended Bereavement Leave Act
- Expanded Employee Blood and Organ Donation Leave Act
- Proposed increases to minimum salary
- US Supreme Court case on religious accommodation in employment
- US Supreme Court overtime case
- . . . And more!
Roberta L. Holzwarth, partner at HolmstromKennedy PC, Attorneys at Law, will join us again this year. We always benefit from her keen insights and labor and employment law experience.
No Cost
Thursday, November 2, 2023 (7:30 AM - 10:00 AM)
Join us at 7:30 AM for a Continental Breakfast and Networking.
The Seminar begins at 8:00am.
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